Sishya OMR School

Unleash Your Imagination
Unleash Your Potential
Unleash Your Skills
Unleash Your Talents
Unleash Your Strength

Welcome to


The incredible journey began in 2010. An initiative of Sishya Adyar in association with Mr Srinivasan R, a healthcare professional, culminated as Sishya OMR at the Rajiv Gandhi IT corridor, now an important landmark bustling with activities.

The Campus situated in two architecturally crafted Senior and Junior blocks with a vast playground in between is a luxury in terms of space and a landmark to emerge as one of the best model schools with a futuristic innovative educational landscape.

Years of Excellence
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Highly Skilled Staff
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Alumni Across Globe
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Why Sishya OMR School

  • Facilitating Academic Excellence
  • Developing Inventive Thinking
  • Cultivating the Inculcation of Values
  • Dynamic & Inclusive Learning Landscapes
  • Competence of Faculty Members



Robotics and AI Lab
@ Sishya OMR School

The Lab integrates science, technology, engineering, and mathematics through robotics, offering hands-on learning. This enhances critical skills preparing students for future careers by making learning more engaging and applicable to real-world scenarios.